In Michigan, the top 12most stolen cars of 2007 were:
- 2000 Dodge Intrepid
- 1999 Dodge Intrepid
- 2000 Dodge Caravan
- 1996 Dodge Caravan
- 2005 Dodge Ram
- 2000 Jeep Cherokee
- 1999 Dodge Caravan
- 1998 Dodge Caravan
- 1999 Jeep Cherokee
- 1997 Ford Taurus
- 2006 Dodge Durango
- 1999 Ford Taurus
Photo by Brad Finkelstein
Suprisingly, it is not the newer cars that are more likely to be ripped off, the list is filled with vehicles from the late 90's and just a few after 2000. The reason that the same model is on the list multiple times is that if the model is not redesigned, the parts from the models are interchangable and more valuable.
In the event that your car is actually stolen insurance will pay out the actual cash value of the car minus the comprehensive deductable. So, if your 2002 Ford Focus is agreed to be worth $3,500 and your comprehensiave deductable is $500 you would get a $3,000 check from your insurance company.
To see more about how auto theft affects insurance rates visit the Michigan State Police site, or view the document containing this list.